¿Cómo eliminar transacciones hasta una fecha determinada?
Para eliminar transacciones hasta una determinada fecha ejecutar el script correspondiente en una base de datos de prueba y hacer un backup.
Para realizar esta tarea se debe utilizar Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio
Nota: Este artículo es exclusivamente para personal técnico.
Para realizar los siguientes pasos se necesitan conocimientos de administración de SQL Server. También se debe contar con los permisos para acceder a las bases y poder realizar modificaciones.
Al no ser productos comercializados por Finnegans, todo lo relacionado a seguridad lo debes resolver con el responsable de administración del servidor. En este caso, dejamos a disposición la documentación oficial del proveedor del producto.
Por favor, no ejecutar el procedimiento si se tienen dudas y comunicarse con Finnegans.
Pasos a seguir:
- Crear una nueva base de datos de prueba. Luego realizar un backup de la base de datos de producción y restaurarlo en la base de datos creada.
Para hacerlo seguir los pasos de la documentación oficial de Microsoft.
- Ejecutar el script realizando los siguientes pasos:
Abrir SQL Server Management Studio
Seleccionar Nueva Consulta
Seleccionar en el combo la nueva base de datos creada
Copiar el siguiente script y pegarlo en la pestaña abierta en el SQL Server Management Studio
declare @Fecha datetime = 'aaaa/mm/dd' declare @sql varchar(8000) IF exists (select 1 from sys.tables where name = 'bsacontratoventagranoslimites') begin delete from bsacontratoventagranoslimites where transaccionid in (select transaccionid from bstransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha) end IF exists (select 1 from sys.tables where name = 'bsacontratoventagranos') begin delete from bsacontratoventagranos where transaccionid in (select transaccionid from bstransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha) end IF exists (select 1 from sys.tables where name = 'bsamovimientohaciendainsumo') begin delete from bsamovimientohaciendainsumo where transaccionid in (select transaccionid from bstransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha) end IF exists (select 1 from sys.tables where name = 'BSAOperacionGastoCamion') begin delete from BSAOperacionGastoCamion where transaccionid in (select transaccionid from bstransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha) end IF exists (select 1 from sys.tables where name = 'bsaplanificacionagricolaitem') begin delete from bsaplanificacionagricolaitem where transaccionid in (select transaccionid from bstransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha) end IF exists (select 1 from sys.tables where name = 'BSPlanMovimientoStock') begin delete from BSPlanMovimientoStock where transaccionid in (select transaccionid from bstransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha) end IF exists (select 1 from sys.tables where name = 'bsalaboreoitem') begin delete from bsalaboreoitem where transaccionid in (select transaccionid from bstransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha) end IF exists (select 1 from sys.tables where name = 'bsalaboreotrabajo') begin delete from bsalaboreotrabajo where transaccionid in (select transaccionid from bstransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha) end IF exists (select 1 from sys.tables where name = 'bsalaboreoinsumo') begin delete from bsalaboreoinsumo where transaccionid in (select transaccionid from bstransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha) end IF exists (select 1 from sys.tables where name = 'bsalaboreocuadrilla') begin delete from bsalaboreocuadrilla where transaccionid in (select transaccionid from bstransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha) end IF exists (select 1 from sys.tables where name = 'bsalaboreodistribucion') begin delete from bsalaboreodistribucion where transaccionid in (select transaccionid from bstransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha) end IF exists (select 1 from sys.tables where name = 'bsalaboreo') begin delete from bsalaboreo where transaccionid in (select transaccionid from bstransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha) end IF exists (select 1 from sys.tables where name = 'bstransaccionnumeroserie') begin delete from bstransaccionnumeroserie where transaccionid in (select transaccionid from bstransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha) end IF exists (select 1 from sys.tables where name = 'bsmovimientostockvalorizado') begin delete from bsmovimientostockvalorizado where transaccionid in (select transaccionid from bstransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha) end IF exists (select 1 from sys.tables where name = 'bsmovimientostockfifo') begin delete from bsmovimientostockfifo where transaccionid in (select transaccionid from bstransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha) end IF exists (select 1 from sys.tables where name = 'BSAbsorcionCostosItemDocumentoDestino') begin delete from BSAbsorcionCostosItemDocumentoDestino where MovimientoStockID in (select MovimientoStockID from bsmovimientostock where transaccionid in (select transaccionid from bstransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha)) end IF exists (select 1 from sys.tables where name = 'BSAbsorcionCostosResultado') begin delete from BSAbsorcionCostosResultado where MovimientoStockID in (select MovimientoStockID from bsmovimientostock where transaccionid in (select transaccionid from bstransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha)) end IF exists (select 1 from sys.tables where name = 'BSMovimientoStockValorizado') begin delete from BSMovimientoStockValorizado where MovimientoStockID in (select MovimientoStockID from bsmovimientostock where transaccionid in (select transaccionid from bstransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha)) end IF exists (select 1 from sys.tables where name = 'bsmovimientostock') begin delete from bsmovimientostock where transaccionid in (select transaccionid from bstransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha) end IF exists (select 1 from sys.tables where name = 'bsasientoitemcancelacion') begin delete from bsasientoitemcancelacion where asientoitemidorigen in (select asientoitemid from bsasientoitem where transaccionid in (select transaccionid from bstransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha)) delete from bsasientoitemcancelacion where asientoitemiddestino in (select asientoitemid from bsasientoitem where transaccionid in (select transaccionid from bstransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha)) end IF exists (select 1 from sys.tables where name = 'bsasientoitemestadodatanet') begin delete from bsasientoitemestadodatanet where asientoitemestadoid in (select asientoitemestadoid from bsasientoitemestado where asientoitemid in (select asientoitemid from bsasientoitem where transaccionid in (select transaccionid from bstransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha))) end IF exists (select 1 from sys.tables where name = 'bsasientoitemestado') begin delete from bsasientoitemestado where asientoitemid in (select asientoitemid from bsasientoitem where transaccionid in (select transaccionid from bstransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha)) end IF exists (select 1 from sys.tables where name = 'BSAbsorcionCostosItemDocumentoOrigen') begin delete from BSAbsorcionCostosItemDocumentoOrigen where asientoitemid in (select asientoitemid from bsasientoitem where transaccionid in (select transaccionid from bstransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha)) end IF exists (select 1 from sys.tables where name = 'BSAbsorcionCostosResultado') begin delete from BSAbsorcionCostosResultado where AsientoItemID in (select AsientoItemID from bsasientoitem where transaccionid in (select transaccionid from bstransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha)) end IF exists (select 1 from sys.tables where name = 'bsasientoitem') begin delete from bsasientoitem where transaccionid in (select transaccionid from bstransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha) end IF exists (select 1 from sys.tables where name = 'bsasientoitempresupuestado') begin delete from bsasientoitempresupuestado where transaccionid in (select transaccionid from bstransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha) end IF exists (select 1 from sys.tables where name = 'bstransacciondimension') begin delete from bstransacciondimension where transaccionid in (select transaccionid from bstransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha) end IF exists (select 1 from sys.tables where name = 'SJLiquidacionLegajoConcepto') begin delete from SJLiquidacionLegajoConcepto where ParteTrabajoItemID in (select ParteTrabajoItemID from bspartetrabajoitem where transaccionid in (select transaccionid from bstransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha)) end IF exists (select 1 from sys.tables where name = 'bspartetrabajoitem') begin delete from bspartetrabajoitem where transaccionid in (select transaccionid from bstransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha) end IF exists (select 1 from sys.tables where name = 'bspermisoembarqueitemDocumentoAsociado') begin delete from bspermisoembarqueitemDocumentoAsociado where transaccionid in (select transaccionid from bstransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha) end IF exists (select 1 from sys.tables where name = 'bspermisoembarqueitemDIT') begin delete from bspermisoembarqueitemDIT where transaccionid in (select transaccionid from bstransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha) end IF exists (select 1 from sys.tables where name = 'bspermisoembarqueitemPosicionArancelaria') begin delete from bspermisoembarqueitemPosicionArancelaria where transaccionid in (select transaccionid from bstransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha) end IF exists (select 1 from sys.tables where name = 'bspermisoembarqueitemoperacion') begin delete from bspermisoembarqueitemoperacion where transaccionid in (select transaccionid from bstransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha) end IF exists (select 1 from sys.tables where name = 'BSPermisoembarque') begin delete from BSPermisoembarque where transaccionid in (select transaccionid from bstransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha) end IF exists (select 1 from sys.tables where name = 'BSAContratoFeedlotCategoria') begin delete from BSAContratoFeedlotCategoria where transaccionid in (select transaccionid from bstransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha) end IF exists (select 1 from sys.tables where name = 'BSCotizacionProducto') begin delete from BSCotizacionProducto where OperacionItemID in (select OperacionItemID from bsoperacionitem where transaccionid in (select transaccionid from bstransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha)) end IF exists (select 1 from sys.tables where name = 'BSOperacionItemCancelacion') begin delete from BSOperacionItemCancelacion where OperacionItemIDDestino in (select OperacionItemID from bsoperacionitem where transaccionid in (select transaccionid from bstransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha)) delete from BSOperacionItemCancelacion where OperacionItemIDOrigen in(select OperacionItemID from bsoperacionitem where transaccionid in (select transaccionid from bstransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha)) end IF exists (select 1 from sys.tables where name = 'BSOperacionItemLogRegla') begin delete from BSOperacionItemLogRegla where OperacionItemID in (select OperacionItemID from bsoperacionitem where transaccionid in (select transaccionid from bstransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha)) end IF exists (select 1 from sys.tables where name = 'BSOperacionItemCancelacion') begin delete BSOperacionItemCancelacion where OperacionItemIDOrigen in (select OperacionItemID from BSOperacionitem where transaccionid in (select transaccionid from bstransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha)) delete BSOperacionItemCancelacion where OperacionItemIDOrigen in (select OperacionItemID from BSOperacionitem where partidaid in (select partidaid from bspartida where TransaccionID in (select transaccionid from bstransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha))) delete BSOperacionItemCancelacion where OperacionItemIDOrigen in (select OperacionItemID from BSOperacionitem where partidaid2 in (select partidaid from bspartida where TransaccionID in (select transaccionid from bstransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha))) delete BSOperacionItemCancelacion where OperacionItemIDDestino in (select OperacionItemID from BSOperacionitem where transaccionid in (select transaccionid from bstransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha)) delete BSOperacionItemCancelacion where OperacionItemIDDestino in (select OperacionItemID from BSOperacionitem where partidaid in (select partidaid from bspartida where TransaccionID in (select transaccionid from bstransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha))) delete BSOperacionItemCancelacion where OperacionItemIDDestino in (select OperacionItemID from BSOperacionitem where partidaid2 in (select partidaid from bspartida where TransaccionID in (select transaccionid from bstransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha))) end IF exists (select 1 from sys.tables where name = 'BSPermisoEmbarqueItemOperacion') begin delete BSPermisoEmbarqueItemOperacion where OperacionItemID in (select OperacionItemID from BSOperacionitem where transaccionid in (select transaccionid from bstransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha)) delete BSPermisoEmbarqueItemOperacion where OperacionItemID in (select OperacionItemID from BSOperacionitem where partidaid in (select partidaid from bspartida where TransaccionID in (select transaccionid from bstransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha))) delete BSPermisoEmbarqueItemOperacion where OperacionItemID in (select OperacionItemID from BSOperacionitem where partidaid2 in (select partidaid from bspartida where TransaccionID in (select transaccionid from bstransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha))) end IF exists (select 1 from sys.tables where name = 'BSOperacionitem') begin delete BSOperacionitem where transaccionid in (select transaccionid from bstransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha) delete BSOperacionitem where partidaid in (select partidaid from bspartida where TransaccionID in (select transaccionid from bstransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha)) delete BSOperacionitem where partidaid2 in (select partidaid from bspartida where TransaccionID in (select transaccionid from bstransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha)) end IF exists (select 1 from sys.tables where name = 'bsmovimientostockvalorizado') begin delete from bsmovimientostockvalorizado where transaccionid in (select transaccionid from bstransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha) end IF exists (select 1 from sys.tables where name = 'BSMovimientoStockValorizado') begin delete from BSMovimientoStockValorizado where MovimientoStockID in (select MovimientoStockID from BSMovimientoStock where partidaid in (select partidaid from bspartida where TransaccionID in (select transaccionid from bstransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha))) end IF exists (select 1 from sys.tables where name = 'BSMovimientoStockfifo') begin delete from BSMovimientoStockfifo where transaccionid in (select transaccionid from bstransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha) delete from BSMovimientoStockfifo where MovimientoStockID in (select MovimientoStockID from BSMovimientoStock where partidaid in (select partidaid from bspartida where TransaccionID in (select transaccionid from bstransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha))) end IF exists (select 1 from sys.tables where name = 'bsmovimientostock') begin delete from bsmovimientostock where partidaid in (select partidaid from bspartida where TransaccionID in (select transaccionid from bstransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha)) end IF exists (select 1 from sys.tables where name = 'BSOperacionItemCancelacion') begin delete from BSOperacionItemCancelacion where OperacionItemIDOrigen in (select OperacionItemID from BSOperacionItem where partidaid in (select partidaid from bspartida where TransaccionID in (select transaccionid from bstransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha))) end IF exists (select 1 from sys.tables where name = 'BSOperacionItemCancelacion') begin delete from BSOperacionItemCancelacion where OperacionItemIDDestino in (select OperacionItemID from BSOperacionItem where partidaid in (select partidaid from bspartida where TransaccionID in (select transaccionid from bstransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha))) end IF exists (select 1 from sys.tables where name = 'BSPermisoEmbarqueItemOperacion') begin delete from BSPermisoEmbarqueItemOperacion where OperacionItemID in (select OperacionItemID from BSOperacionItem where partidaid in (select partidaid from bspartida where TransaccionID in (select transaccionid from bstransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha))) end IF exists (select 1 from sys.tables where name = 'BSOperacionItem') begin delete from BSOperacionItem where partidaid in (select partidaid from bspartida where TransaccionID in (select transaccionid from bstransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha)) end IF exists (select 1 from sys.tables where name = 'USRMedicionVariable') begin delete from USRMedicionVariable where MedicionID in (select MedicionID from USRMedicion where partidaid in (select partidaid from bspartida where TransaccionID in (select transaccionid from bstransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha))) end IF exists (select 1 from sys.tables where name = 'USRMedicion') begin delete from USRMedicion where partidaid in (select partidaid from bspartida where TransaccionID in (select transaccionid from bstransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha)) end IF exists (select 1 from sys.tables where name = 'BSALaboreoItem') begin delete from BSALaboreoItem where partidaid in (select partidaid from bspartida where TransaccionID in (select transaccionid from bstransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha)) end IF exists (select 1 from sys.tables where name = 'BSALaboreoInsumo') begin delete from BSALaboreoInsumo where partidaid in (select partidaid from bspartida where TransaccionID in (select transaccionid from bstransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha)) end IF exists (select 1 from sys.tables where name = 'BSAMovimientoHaciendaInsumo') begin delete from BSAMovimientoHaciendaInsumo where partidaid in (select partidaid from bspartida where TransaccionID in (select transaccionid from bstransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha)) end IF exists (select 1 from sys.tables where name = 'bspartida') begin delete from bspartida where transaccionid in (select transaccionid from bstransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha) end IF exists (select 1 from sys.tables where name = 'bsmedicionitem') begin delete from bsmedicionitem where transaccionid in (select transaccionid from bstransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha) end IF exists (select 1 from sys.tables where name = 'bsmedicion') begin delete from bsmedicion where transaccionid in (select transaccionid from bstransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha) end IF exists (select 1 from sys.tables where name = 'bspresupuestoplan') begin delete from bspresupuestoplan where transaccionidpresupuesto in (select transaccionid from bstransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha) end IF exists (select 1 from sys.tables where name = 'BSAPlanificacionGanaderaItem') begin delete from BSAPlanificacionGanaderaItem where transaccionid in (select transaccionid from bstransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha) end IF exists (select 1 from sys.tables where name = 'bsplancotizacionitem') begin delete from bsplancotizacionitem where transaccionid in (select transaccionid from bstransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha) end IF exists (select 1 from sys.tables where name = 'bsplaningresosegresositem') begin delete from bsplaningresosegresositem where transaccionid in (select transaccionid from bstransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha) end IF exists (select 1 from sys.tables where name = 'BSPlanificacionProduccionItem') begin delete from BSPlanificacionProduccionItem where transaccionid in (select transaccionid from bstransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha) end IF exists (select 1 from sys.tables where name = 'BSPlanComprasVentasItem') begin delete from BSPlanComprasVentasItem where transaccionid in (select transaccionid from bstransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha) end IF exists (select 1 from sys.tables where name = 'BSPresupuestoPlan') begin delete from BSPresupuestoPlan where TransaccionIDPlan in (select transaccionid from bstransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha) end IF exists (select 1 from sys.tables where name = 'FAFQuehacer') begin delete from FAFQuehacer where ProyectoItemID in (select ProyectoItemID from TPProyectoItem where transaccionid in (select transaccionid from bstransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha) ) end IF exists (select 1 from sys.tables where name = 'TPProyectoItemCosto') begin delete TPProyectoItemCosto where ProyectoItemID in (select ProyectoItemID from TPProyectoItem where transaccionid in (select transaccionid from bstransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha) ) end IF exists (select 1 from sys.tables where name = 'TPProyectoItem') begin delete from TPProyectoItem where transaccionid in (select transaccionid from bstransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha) end IF exists (select 1 from sys.tables where name = 'BSAPlanificacionAgricolaItem') begin delete from BSAPlanificacionAgricolaItem where TransaccionID in (select TransaccionID from BSPlan where PlanID_ModeloAgricola in (select transaccionid from bstransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha)) end IF exists (select 1 from sys.tables where name = 'BSPlan') begin delete BSPlan where PlanID_ModeloAgricola in (select transaccionid from bstransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha) delete from bsplan where transaccionid in (select transaccionid from bstransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha) end IF exists (select 1 from sys.tables where name = 'bscotizacionproducto') begin delete from bscotizacionproducto where operacionitemid in ( select operacionitemid from bsoperacionitem where transaccionid in (select transaccionid from bstransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha)) end IF exists (select 1 from sys.tables where name = 'bsasiento') begin delete from bsasiento where transaccionid in (select transaccionid from bstransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha) end IF exists (select 1 from sys.tables where name = 'bsoperacionitemcancelacion') begin delete from bsoperacionitemcancelacion where (operacionitemidorigen in ( select operacionitemid from bsoperacionitem where transaccionid in (select transaccionid from bstransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha))) or (operacionitemiddestino in ( select operacionitemid from bsoperacionitem where transaccionid in (select transaccionid from bstransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha))) end IF exists (select 1 from sys.tables where name = 'bsoperacionitem') begin delete from bsoperacionitem where transaccionid in (select transaccionid from bstransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha) end IF exists (select 1 from sys.tables where name = 'BSAContratoGranosEscalera') begin delete from BSAContratoGranosEscalera where transaccionid in (select transaccionid from bstransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha) end IF exists (select 1 from sys.tables where name = 'bsoperacion') begin delete from bsoperacion where transaccionid in (select transaccionid from bstransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha) end IF exists (select 1 from sys.tables where name = 'bspresupuesto') begin delete from bspresupuesto where transaccionid in (select transaccionid from bstransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha) end IF exists (select 1 from sys.tables where name = 'bsprocesovalorizacionfifo') begin delete from bsprocesovalorizacionfifo where transaccionid in (select transaccionid from bstransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha) end IF exists (select 1 from sys.tables where name = 'bsprocesovalorizacion') begin delete from bsprocesovalorizacion where transaccionid in (select transaccionid from bstransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha) end IF exists (select 1 from sys.tables where name = 'bsordenproduccion') begin delete from bsordenproduccion where transaccionid in (select transaccionid from bstransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha) end IF exists (select 1 from sys.tables where name = 'bstransaccioncotizacion') begin delete from bstransaccioncotizacion where transaccionid in (select transaccionid from bstransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha) end IF exists (select 1 from sys.tables where name = 'bsprocesoamortizacionbiendeuso') begin delete from bsprocesoamortizacionbiendeuso where transaccionid in (select transaccionid from bstransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha) end IF exists (select 1 from sys.tables where name = 'BSValorizacionStockErrores') begin delete from BSValorizacionStockErrores where transaccionid in (select transaccionid from bstransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha) delete from bsproceso where transaccionid in (select transaccionid from bstransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha) end IF exists (select 1 from sys.tables where name = 'bstransaccionretencion') begin delete from bstransaccionretencion where transaccionid in (select transaccionid from bstransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha) end IF exists (select 1 from sys.tables where name = 'BSDocumentoFisicoEstadoManual') begin delete from BSDocumentoFisicoEstadoManual where DocumentoFisicoID in (select DocumentoFisicoID from BSDocumentoFisico where transaccionid in (select transaccionid from bstransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha)) end IF exists (select 1 from sys.tables where name = 'bsasientoitemestado') begin delete from bsasientoitemestado where asientoitemid in (select asientoitemid from bsasientoitem where DocumentoFisicoID in (select DocumentoFisicoID from bsdocumentofisico where transaccionid in (select transaccionid from bstransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha))) end IF exists (select 1 from sys.tables where name = 'bsasientoitem') begin delete from bsasientoitem where DocumentoFisicoID in (select DocumentoFisicoID from bsdocumentofisico where transaccionid in (select transaccionid from bstransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha)) end IF exists (select 1 from sys.tables where name = 'bsdocumentofisico') begin delete from bsdocumentofisico where transaccionid in (select transaccionid from bstransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha) end IF exists (select 1 from sys.tables where name = 'bsoperaciontesoreria') begin delete from bsoperaciontesoreria where transaccionid in (select transaccionid from bstransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha) end IF exists (select 1 from sys.tables where name = 'bsmantenimientotarea') begin delete from bsmantenimientotarea where transaccionid in (select transaccionid from bstransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha) end IF exists (select 1 from sys.tables where name = 'bsmantenimientoinsumo') begin delete from bsmantenimientoinsumo where transaccionid in (select transaccionid from bstransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha) end IF exists (select 1 from sys.tables where name = 'bsmantenimientopersona') begin delete from bsmantenimientopersona where transaccionid in (select transaccionid from bstransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha) end IF exists (select 1 from sys.tables where name = 'bsmantenimiento') begin delete from bsmantenimiento where transaccionid in (select transaccionid from bstransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha) end IF exists (select 1 from sys.tables where name = 'bstransaccionvinculacion') begin delete from bstransaccionvinculacion where transaccionidorigen in (select transaccionid from bstransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha) or transaccioniddestino in (select transaccionid from bstransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha) end IF exists (select 1 from sys.tables where name = 'bsoperacionmultiple') begin delete from bsoperacionmultiple where transaccionid in (select transaccionid from bstransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha) end IF exists (select 1 from sys.tables where name = 'bssalidacajaitem') begin delete from bssalidacajaitem where transaccionid in (select transaccionid from bstransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha) end IF exists (select 1 from sys.tables where name = 'BSPresupuesto') begin delete from BSPresupuesto where EjercicioID in (select EjercicioID from bsejercicio where TransaccionIDAperturaPatrimMonPrincipal in (select transaccionid from bstransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha)) delete from BSPresupuesto where EjercicioID in (select EjercicioID from bsejercicio where TransaccionIDCierrePatrimMonPrincipal in (select transaccionid from bstransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha)) delete from BSPresupuesto where EjercicioID in (select EjercicioID from bsejercicio where TransaccionIDCierreResultMonPrincipal in (select transaccionid from bstransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha)) delete from BSPresupuesto where EjercicioID in (select EjercicioID from bsejercicio where TransaccionIDAperturaPatrimMonSecundaria in (select transaccionid from bstransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha)) delete from BSPresupuesto where EjercicioID in (select EjercicioID from bsejercicio where TransaccionIDCierrePatrimMonSecundaria in (select transaccionid from bstransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha)) delete from BSPresupuesto where EjercicioID in (select EjercicioID from bsejercicio where TransaccionIDCierreResultMonSecundaria in (select transaccionid from bstransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha)) end IF exists (select 1 from sys.tables where name = 'bsejercicio') begin delete from bsejercicio where TransaccionIDAperturaPatrimMonPrincipal in (select transaccionid from bstransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha) delete from bsejercicio where TransaccionIDCierrePatrimMonPrincipal in (select transaccionid from bstransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha) delete from bsejercicio where TransaccionIDCierreResultMonPrincipal in (select transaccionid from bstransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha) delete from bsejercicio where TransaccionIDAperturaPatrimMonSecundaria in (select transaccionid from bstransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha) delete from bsejercicio where TransaccionIDCierrePatrimMonSecundaria in (select transaccionid from bstransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha) delete from bsejercicio where TransaccionIDCierreResultMonSecundaria in (select transaccionid from bstransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha) end IF exists (select 1 from sys.tables where name = 'bsordenproduccionitem') begin delete from bsordenproduccionitem where transaccionid in (select transaccionid from bstransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha) end IF exists (select 1 from sys.tables where name = 'bsordenproduccion') begin delete from bsordenproduccion where transaccionid in (select transaccionid from bstransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha) end IF exists (select 1 from sys.tables where name = 'BSHojaRuta') begin delete from BSHojaRuta where transaccionid in (select transaccionid from bstransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha) end IF exists (select 1 from sys.tables where name = 'BSAProgramaAlimentacionLote') begin delete from BSAProgramaAlimentacionLote where transaccionid in (select transaccionid from bstransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha) end IF exists (select 1 from sys.tables where name = 'BSAProgramaAlimentacion') begin delete from BSAProgramaAlimentacion where transaccionid in (select transaccionid from bstransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha) end IF exists (select 1 from sys.tables where name = 'bsmedicion') begin delete from bsmedicion where transaccionid in (select transaccionid from bstransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha) end IF exists (select 1 from sys.tables where name = 'BSPlanificacionObraItemMes') begin delete from BSPlanificacionObraItemMes where transaccionid in (select transaccionid from bstransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha) end IF exists (select 1 from sys.tables where name = 'BSPlanificacionObraItemCosto') begin delete from BSPlanificacionObraItemCosto where transaccionid in (select transaccionid from bstransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha) end IF exists (select 1 from sys.tables where name = 'BSPlanificacionObraPrecioInsumos') begin delete from BSPlanificacionObraPrecioInsumos where transaccionid in (select transaccionid from bstransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha) end IF exists (select 1 from sys.tables where name = 'BSMedicionTransaccion') begin delete from BSMedicionTransaccion where transaccionid in (select transaccionid from bstransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha) end IF exists (select 1 from sys.tables where name = 'BSAContratoServicioAcopioItem') begin delete from BSAContratoServicioAcopioItem where transaccionid in (select transaccionid from bstransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha) end IF exists (select 1 from sys.tables where name = 'BSAContratoServicioAcopioItem') begin delete from BSAContratoServicioAcopioItem where transaccionid in (select transaccionid from bstransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha) end IF exists (select 1 from sys.tables where name = 'BSATrasladoGranosItemCosecha') begin delete from BSATrasladoGranosItemCosecha where transaccionid in (select transaccionid from bstransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha) end IF exists (select 1 from sys.tables where name = 'BSAContratoServicioAcopio') begin delete from BSAContratoServicioAcopio where transaccionid in (select transaccionid from bstransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha) end IF exists (select 1 from sys.tables where name = 'BSTransaccionWSLog') begin delete from BSTransaccionWSLog where transaccionid in (select transaccionid from bstransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha) end IF exists (select 1 from sys.tables where name = 'SJLiquidacionLegajoConcepto') begin delete from SJLiquidacionLegajoConcepto where transaccionid in (select transaccionid from bstransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha) end IF exists (select 1 from sys.tables where name = 'SJLiquidacionLegajoConcepto') begin delete from SJLiquidacionLegajoConcepto where ParteTrabajoItemID in (select ParteTrabajoItemID from BSParteTrabajoItem where transaccionid in (select transaccionid from bstransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha)) end IF exists (select 1 from sys.tables where name = 'BSParteTrabajoItem') begin delete from BSParteTrabajoItem where transaccionid in (select transaccionid from bstransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha) end IF exists (select 1 from sys.tables where name = 'SJLiquidacion') begin delete from SJLiquidacion where transaccionid in (select transaccionid from bstransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha) end IF exists (select 1 from sys.tables where name = 'BSParteTrabajoItem') begin if exists(select 1 from sys.columns where object_id = object_id('BSParteTrabajoItem') and name = 'LiquidacionLegajoID') begin set @sql = 'delete from BSParteTrabajoItem where LiquidacionLegajoID in (select LiquidacionLegajoID from SJLiquidacionLegajo where transaccionid in (select transaccionid from bstransaccion where Fecha < '''+convert(varchar,@Fecha)+'''))' exec @sql end end IF exists (select 1 from sys.tables where name = 'SJLiquidacionLegajo') begin delete from SJLiquidacionLegajo where transaccionid in (select transaccionid from bstransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha) end IF exists (select 1 from sys.tables where name = 'tpcasotransaccionasociada') begin delete from tpcasotransaccionasociada where transaccionidasociada in ( select TransaccionIDAsociada from BSTransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha) end IF exists (select 1 from sys.tables where name = 'TPCasoActividadSerializedData') begin delete from TPCasoActividadSerializedData where CasoActividadID in (select CasoActividadID from TPCasoActividad where TransaccionID in (select TransaccionID from BSTransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha)) end IF exists (select 1 from sys.tables where name = 'TPCasoHistorial') begin delete from TPCasoHistorial where CasoActividadID in (select CasoActividadID from TPCasoActividad where TransaccionID in (select TransaccionID from BSTransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha)) end IF exists (select 1 from sys.tables where name = 'TPCasoActividad') begin delete from TPCasoActividad where TransaccionID in (select TransaccionID from BSTransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha) end IF exists (select 1 from sys.tables where name = 'tpcasohistorial') begin delete from tpcasohistorial where TransaccionID in (select TransaccionID from BSTransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha) end IF exists (select 1 from sys.tables where name = 'tpcaso') begin delete from tpcaso where TransaccionID in (select TransaccionID from BSTransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha) end IF exists (select 1 from sys.tables where name = 'BSOperacionExportacion') begin delete from BSOperacionExportacion where TransaccionID in (select TransaccionID from BSTransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha) end IF exists (select 1 from sys.tables where name = 'BSAAsignacionCuposVenta') begin delete from BSAAsignacionCuposVenta where TransaccionIDContratoGranos in (select TransaccionID from BSTransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha) end IF exists (select 1 from sys.tables where name = 'BSDeclaracionJurada') begin delete from BSDeclaracionJurada where TransaccionID in (select TransaccionID from BSTransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha) end IF exists (select 1 from sys.tables where name = 'BSAMovimientoHaciendaItemDTE') begin delete from BSAMovimientoHaciendaItemDTE where TransaccionID in (select TransaccionID from BSTransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha) end IF exists (select 1 from sys.tables where name = 'BSOperacionItem') begin delete from BSOperacionItem where OperacionItemID in (select OperacionItemID from BSOperacionItem where TransaccionID in (select TransaccionID from BSTransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha)) end IF exists (select 1 from sys.tables where name = 'BSOperacionItem') begin delete from BSOperacionitem where TransaccionID in (select TransaccionID from BSTransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha) end IF exists (select 1 from sys.tables where name = 'BSTransaccionDimension') begin delete from BSTransaccionDimension where TransaccionID in (select TransaccionID from BSTransaccion where TransaccionIDProceso in (select TransaccionID from BSTransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha)) end IF exists (select 1 from sys.tables where name = 'BSTransaccionCotizacion') begin delete from BSTransaccionCotizacion where TransaccionID in (select TransaccionID from BSTransaccion where TransaccionIDProceso in (select TransaccionID from BSTransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha)) end IF exists (select 1 from sys.tables where name = 'BSAsientoItemEstado') begin delete from BSAsientoItemEstado where AsientoItemID in (select AsientoItemID from BSAsientoitem where TransaccionID in (select TransaccionID from BSTransaccion where TransaccionIDProceso in ( select TransaccionID from BSTransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha))) end IF exists (select 1 from sys.tables where name = 'BSAsientoitem') begin delete from BSAsientoitem where TransaccionID in (select TransaccionID from BSTransaccion where TransaccionIDProceso in ( select TransaccionID from BSTransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha)) end IF exists (select 1 from sys.tables where name = 'BSAsiento') begin delete from BSAsiento where TransaccionID in (select TransaccionID from BSTransaccion where TransaccionIDProceso in ( select TransaccionID from BSTransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha)) end IF exists (select 1 from sys.tables where name = 'BSTransaccion') begin delete from BSTransaccion where TransaccionIDProceso in (select TransaccionID from BSTransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha) end IF exists (select 1 from sys.tables where name = 'BSTransaccionCotizacion') begin delete from BSTransaccionCotizacion where TransaccionID in (select TransaccionID from BSTransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha) end IF exists (select 1 from sys.tables where name = 'BSOperacionItemCancelacion') begin delete from BSOperacionItemCancelacion where OperacionItemIDDestino in (select OperacionItemID from BSOperacionItem where TransaccionID in (select TransaccionID from BSTransaccion where TransaccionIDPadre in ( select TransaccionID from BSTransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha))) delete from BSOperacionItemCancelacion where OperacionItemIDOrigen in (select OperacionItemID from BSOperacionItem where TransaccionID in (select TransaccionID from BSTransaccion where TransaccionIDPadre in ( select TransaccionID from BSTransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha))) end IF exists (select 1 from sys.tables where name = 'BSOperacionItem') begin delete from BSOperacionItem where TransaccionID in (select TransaccionID from BSTransaccion where TransaccionIDPadre in (select TransaccionID from BSTransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha)) end IF exists (select 1 from sys.tables where name = 'BSOperacionItem') begin delete from BSOperacionItem where TransaccionID in (select TransaccionID from BSOperacion where TransaccionID in (select TransaccionID from BSTransaccion where TransaccionIDPadre in( select TransaccionID from BSTransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha))) end IF exists (select 1 from sys.tables where name = 'BSOperacion') begin delete from BSOperacion where TransaccionID in (select TransaccionID from BSTransaccion where TransaccionIDPadre in( select TransaccionID from BSTransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha)) if exists(select 1 from sys.columns where object_id = object_id('BSOperacion') and name = 'USR_SolicitudTaller') begin set @sql = 'delete from BSOperacion where USR_SolicitudTaller in (select TransaccionID from BSTransaccion where TransaccionIDPadre in (select TransaccionID from BSTransaccion where Fecha <'''+convert(varchar,@Fecha)+'''))' exec @sql end end IF exists (select 1 from sys.tables where name = 'TPCasoTransaccionAsociada') begin delete from TPCasoTransaccionAsociada where TransaccionIDAsociada in (select TransaccionID from BSTransaccion where TransaccionIDPadre in (select TransaccionID from BSTransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha)) end IF exists (select 1 from sys.tables where name = 'TPCasoHistorial') begin delete from TPCasoHistorial where TransaccionID in (select TransaccionID from BSTransaccion where TransaccionIDPadre in( select TransaccionID from BSTransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha)) end IF exists (select 1 from sys.tables where name = 'TPCasoTransaccionAsociada') begin delete from TPCasoTransaccionAsociada where CasoActividadID in (select CasoActividadID from TPCasoActividad where TransaccionID in (select TransaccionID from BSTransaccion where TransaccionIDPadre in( select TransaccionID from BSTransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha))) end IF exists (select 1 from sys.tables where name = 'TPCasoActividad') begin delete from TPCasoActividad where TransaccionID in (select TransaccionID from BSTransaccion where TransaccionIDPadre in( select TransaccionID from BSTransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha)) end IF exists (select 1 from sys.tables where name = 'TPCaso') begin delete from TPCaso where TransaccionID in (select TransaccionID from BSTransaccion where TransaccionIDPadre in( select TransaccionID from BSTransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha)) end IF exists (select 1 from sys.tables where name = 'BSTransaccionCotizacion') begin delete from BSTransaccionCotizacion where TransaccionID in (select TransaccionID from BSTransaccion where TransaccionIDPadre in( select TransaccionID from BSTransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha)) end IF exists (select 1 from sys.tables where name = 'BSTransaccionDimension') begin delete from BSTransaccionDimension where TransaccionID in (select TransaccionID from BSTransaccion where TransaccionIDPadre in( select TransaccionID from BSTransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha)) end IF exists (select 1 from sys.tables where name = 'BSMovimientoStockValorizado') begin delete BSMovimientoStockValorizado where MovimientoStockID in (select MovimientoStockID from BSMovimientoStock where TransaccionID in (select TransaccionID from BSTransaccion where TransaccionIDPadre in( select TransaccionID from BSTransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha)) ) end IF exists (select 1 from sys.tables where name = 'BSMovimientoStock') begin delete from BSMovimientoStock where TransaccionID in (select TransaccionID from BSTransaccion where TransaccionIDPadre in( select TransaccionID from BSTransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha)) end IF exists (select 1 from sys.tables where name = 'BSAsientoItemEstado') begin delete from BSAsientoItemEstado where AsientoItemID in (select AsientoItemID from BSAsientoItem where TransaccionID in (select TransaccionID from BSTransaccion where TransaccionIDPadre in( select TransaccionID from BSTransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha))) end IF exists (select 1 from sys.tables where name = 'BSAsientoItem') begin delete from BSAsientoItem where TransaccionID in (select TransaccionID from BSTransaccion where TransaccionIDPadre in( select TransaccionID from BSTransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha)) end IF exists (select 1 from sys.tables where name = 'BSAsiento') begin delete from BSAsiento where TransaccionID in (select TransaccionID from BSTransaccion where TransaccionIDPadre in( select TransaccionID from BSTransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha)) end IF exists (select 1 from sys.tables where name = 'BSTransaccionDimension') begin delete from BSTransaccionDimension where TransaccionID in (select TransaccionID from BSTransaccion where TransaccionIDPadre in( select TransaccionID from BSTransaccion where TransaccionIDPadre in( select TransaccionID from BSTransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha))) end IF exists (select 1 from sys.tables where name = 'BSOperacionItemCancelacion') begin delete from BSOperacionItemCancelacion where OperacionItemIDOrigen in (select OperacionItemID from BSOperacionItem where TransaccionID in (select TransaccionID from BSTransaccion where TransaccionIDPadre in( select TransaccionID from BSTransaccion where TransaccionIDPadre in( select TransaccionID from BSTransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha)))) delete from BSOperacionItemCancelacion where OperacionItemIDDestino in (select OperacionItemID from BSOperacionItem where TransaccionID in (select TransaccionID from BSTransaccion where TransaccionIDPadre in( select TransaccionID from BSTransaccion where TransaccionIDPadre in( select TransaccionID from BSTransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha)))) end IF exists (select 1 from sys.tables where name = 'BSOperacionItem') begin delete from BSOperacionItem where TransaccionID in (select TransaccionID from BSTransaccion where TransaccionIDPadre in( select TransaccionID from BSTransaccion where TransaccionIDPadre in( select TransaccionID from BSTransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha))) end IF exists (select 1 from sys.tables where name = 'BSOperacion') begin delete from BSOperacion where TransaccionID in (select TransaccionID from BSTransaccion where TransaccionIDPadre in( select TransaccionID from BSTransaccion where TransaccionIDPadre in( select TransaccionID from BSTransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha))) end IF exists (select 1 from sys.tables where name = 'BSTransaccionCotizacion') begin delete from BSTransaccionCotizacion where TransaccionID in (select TransaccionID from BSTransaccion where TransaccionIDPadre in( select TransaccionID from BSTransaccion where TransaccionIDPadre in( select TransaccionID from BSTransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha))) end IF exists (select 1 from sys.tables where name = 'BSAsientoItem') begin delete BSAsientoItem where TransaccionID in (select TransaccionID from BSTransaccion where TransaccionIDPadre in( select TransaccionID from BSTransaccion where TransaccionIDPadre in( select TransaccionID from BSTransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha))) end IF exists (select 1 from sys.tables where name = 'BSAsiento') begin delete from BSAsiento where TransaccionID in (select TransaccionID from BSTransaccion where TransaccionIDPadre in( select TransaccionID from BSTransaccion where TransaccionIDPadre in( select TransaccionID from BSTransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha))) end IF exists (select 1 from sys.tables where name = 'TPCasoHistorial') begin delete from TPCasoHistorial where TransaccionID in (select TransaccionID from BSTransaccion where TransaccionIDPadre in( select TransaccionID from BSTransaccion where TransaccionIDPadre in( select TransaccionID from BSTransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha))) end IF exists (select 1 from sys.tables where name = 'TPCasoActividad') begin delete from TPCasoActividad where TransaccionID in (select TransaccionID from BSTransaccion where TransaccionIDPadre in( select TransaccionID from BSTransaccion where TransaccionIDPadre in( select TransaccionID from BSTransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha))) end IF exists (select 1 from sys.tables where name = 'TPCaso') begin delete TPCaso where TransaccionID in (select TransaccionID from BSTransaccion where TransaccionIDPadre in( select TransaccionID from BSTransaccion where TransaccionIDPadre in( select TransaccionID from BSTransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha))) end update BSTransaccion set TransaccionIDPadre = null where TransaccionIDPadre in( select TransaccionID from BSTransaccion where TransaccionIDPadre in( select TransaccionID from BSTransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha)) IF exists (select 1 from sys.tables where name = 'FAFQuehacer') begin delete from FAFQuehacer where ProyectoItemID in (select ProyectoItemID from TPProyectoItem where TransaccionID in( select TransaccionID from BSTransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha)) end IF exists (select 1 from sys.tables where name = 'TPProyectoItemCosto') begin delete from TPProyectoItemCosto where ProyectoItemID in (select ProyectoItemID from TPProyectoItem where TransaccionID in(select TransaccionID from BSTransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha)) end IF exists (select 1 from sys.tables where name = 'TPProyectoItem') begin delete from TPProyectoItem where TransaccionID in (select TransaccionID from BSTransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha) end IF exists (select 1 from sys.tables where name = 'BSAPlanificacionAgricolaItem') begin delete BSAPlanificacionAgricolaItem where TransaccionID in (select TransaccionID from BSPlan where PlanID_ModeloAgricola in (select TransaccionID from BSPlan where TransaccionID in (select TransaccionID from BSTransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha))) end IF exists (select 1 from sys.tables where name = 'BSPlan') begin delete from BSPlan where PlanID_ModeloAgricola in (select TransaccionID from BSPlan where TransaccionID in( select TransaccionID from BSTransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha)) end IF exists (select 1 from sys.tables where name = 'TPProyectoItem') begin delete from TPProyectoItem where TransaccionID in( select TransaccionID from BSTransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha) end IF exists (select 1 from sys.tables where name = 'BSPresupuestoPlan') begin delete from BSPresupuestoPlan where TransaccionIDPlan in( select TransaccionID from BSTransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha) end IF exists (select 1 from sys.tables where name = 'BSPlan') begin delete from BSPlan where TransaccionID in( select TransaccionID from BSTransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha) end IF exists (select 1 from sys.tables where name = 'BSALaboreoItem') begin delete from BSALaboreoItem where LaboreoTrabajoID in (select LaboreoTrabajoID from BSALaboreoTrabajo where TransaccionID in (select TransaccionID from BSTransaccion where TransaccionIDPadre in( select TransaccionID from BSTransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha))) end IF exists (select 1 from sys.tables where name = 'BSALaboreoTrabajo') begin delete from BSALaboreoTrabajo where TransaccionID in (select TransaccionID from BSTransaccion where TransaccionIDPadre in( select TransaccionID from BSTransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha)) end IF exists (select 1 from sys.tables where name = 'BSALaboreoItem') begin delete from BSALaboreoItem where TransaccionID in (select TransaccionID from BSTransaccion where TransaccionIDPadre in( select TransaccionID from BSTransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha)) end IF exists (select 1 from sys.tables where name = 'BSALaboreoInsumo') begin delete from BSALaboreoInsumo where TransaccionID in (select TransaccionID from BSTransaccion where TransaccionIDPadre in( select TransaccionID from BSTransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha)) end IF exists (select 1 from sys.tables where name = 'BSALaboreoDistribucion') begin delete from BSALaboreoDistribucion where TransaccionID in (select TransaccionID from BSTransaccion where TransaccionIDPadre in( select TransaccionID from BSTransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha)) end IF exists (select 1 from sys.tables where name = 'BSALaboreoCuadrilla') begin delete from BSALaboreoCuadrilla where TransaccionID in (select TransaccionID from BSTransaccion where TransaccionIDPadre in( select TransaccionID from BSTransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha)) end IF exists (select 1 from sys.tables where name = 'BSALaboreo') begin delete from BSALaboreo where TransaccionID in (select TransaccionID from BSTransaccion where TransaccionIDPadre in( select TransaccionID from BSTransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha)) end IF exists (select 1 from sys.tables where name = 'BSParteTrabajoItem') begin delete from BSParteTrabajoItem where TransaccionID in (select TransaccionID from BSTransaccion where TransaccionIDPadre in( select TransaccionID from BSTransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha)) end delete from BSTransaccion where TransaccionIDPadre in (select TransaccionID from BSTransaccion where TransaccionIDPadre in( select TransaccionID from BSTransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha)) IF exists (select 1 from sys.tables where name = 'USRMedicionVariable') begin delete from USRMedicionVariable where MedicionID in (select MedicionID from USRMedicion where PartidaID in (select PartidaID from BSPartida where TransaccionID in( select TransaccionID from BSTransaccion where TransaccionIDPadre in( select TransaccionID from BSTransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha)))) end IF exists (select 1 from sys.tables where name = 'USRMedicion') begin delete from USRMedicion where PartidaID in (select PartidaID from BSPartida where TransaccionID in( select TransaccionID from BSTransaccion where TransaccionIDPadre in( select TransaccionID from BSTransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha))) end IF exists (select 1 from sys.tables where name = 'BSOperacionItem') begin delete from BSOperacionItem where PartidaID in (select PartidaID from BSPartida where TransaccionID in( select TransaccionID from BSTransaccion where TransaccionIDPadre in( select TransaccionID from BSTransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha))) end IF exists (select 1 from sys.tables where name = 'BSPartida') begin delete from BSPartida where TransaccionID in( select TransaccionID from BSTransaccion where TransaccionIDPadre in( select TransaccionID from BSTransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha)) end IF exists (select 1 from sys.tables where name = 'BSAMovimientoHaciendaItemDTE') begin delete from BSAMovimientoHaciendaItemDTE where TransaccionID in( select TransaccionID from BSTransaccion where TransaccionIDPadre in( select TransaccionID from BSTransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha)) end IF exists (select 1 from sys.tables where name = 'BSPartida') begin delete from BSPartida where TransaccionID in( select TransaccionID from BSTransaccion where TransaccionIDPadre in( select TransaccionID from BSTransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha)) delete from BSPartida where TransaccionID in(select TransaccionID from BSTransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha) end update BSTransaccion set TransaccionIDPadre = null where TransaccionIDPadre in (select TransaccionID from BSTransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha) delete from BSTransaccion where TransaccionIDPadre in( select TransaccionID from BSTransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha) IF exists (select 1 from sys.tables where name = 'BSAbsorcionCostos') begin delete from BSAbsorcionCostos where TransaccionID in( select TransaccionID from BSTransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha) end IF exists (select 1 from sys.tables where name = 'BSAVariacionBiomasaItem') begin delete from BSAVariacionBiomasaItem where TransaccionID in( select TransaccionID from BSTransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha) end IF exists (select 1 from sys.tables where name = 'TPParteActividadMasiva') begin delete from TPParteActividadMasiva where TransaccionID in( select TransaccionID from BSTransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha) end IF exists (select 1 from sys.tables where name = 'BSALaboreoItem') begin delete from BSALaboreoItem where LaboreoTrabajoID in (select LaboreoTrabajoID from BSALaboreoTrabajo where TransaccionID in( select TransaccionID from BSALaboreo where TransaccionIDOrdenTrabajo in ( select TransaccionID from BSTransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha))) end IF exists (select 1 from sys.tables where name = 'BSALaboreoTrabajo') begin delete from BSALaboreoTrabajo where TransaccionID in( select TransaccionID from BSALaboreo where TransaccionIDOrdenTrabajo in ( select TransaccionID from BSTransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha)) end IF exists (select 1 from sys.tables where name = 'BSALaboreoItem') begin delete from BSALaboreoItem where TransaccionID in( select TransaccionID from BSALaboreo where TransaccionIDOrdenTrabajo in ( select TransaccionID from BSTransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha)) end IF exists (select 1 from sys.tables where name = 'BSALaboreoInsumo') begin delete from BSALaboreoInsumo where TransaccionID in( select TransaccionID from BSALaboreo where TransaccionIDOrdenTrabajo in ( select TransaccionID from BSTransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha)) end IF exists (select 1 from sys.tables where name = 'BSALaboreoDistribucion') begin delete from BSALaboreoDistribucion where TransaccionID in( select TransaccionID from BSALaboreo where TransaccionIDOrdenTrabajo in ( select TransaccionID from BSTransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha)) end IF exists (select 1 from sys.tables where name = 'BSALaboreoCuadrilla') begin delete from BSALaboreoCuadrilla where TransaccionID in( select TransaccionID from BSALaboreo where TransaccionIDOrdenTrabajo in ( select TransaccionID from BSTransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha)) end IF exists (select 1 from sys.tables where name = 'BSALaboreo') begin delete from BSALaboreo where TransaccionIDOrdenTrabajo in ( select TransaccionID from BSTransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha) end IF exists (select 1 from sys.tables where name = 'BSTransaccionRetencion') begin delete from BSTransaccionRetencion where TransaccionIDOrigen in ( select TransaccionID from BSTransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha) end IF exists (select 1 from sys.tables where name = 'BSPlan') begin delete from BSPlan where PlanMarcoID in ( select TransaccionID from BSTransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha) delete from BSPlan where TransaccionID in ( select TransaccionID from BSTransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha) end IF exists (select 1 from sys.tables where name = 'BSTransaccionNumeroSerie') begin delete from BSTransaccionNumeroSerie where NumeroSerieID in (select NumeroSerieID from BSNumeroSerie where TransaccionIDOrigen in ( select TransaccionID from BSTransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha)) end IF exists (select 1 from sys.tables where name = 'BSOperacionItem') begin delete from BSOperacionItem where NumeroSerieID2 in ( select NumeroSerieID from BSNumeroSerie where TransaccionIDOrigen in ( select TransaccionID from BSTransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha)) end IF exists (select 1 from sys.tables where name = 'BSNumeroSerie') begin delete from BSNumeroSerie where TransaccionIDOrigen in ( select TransaccionID from BSTransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha) end IF exists (select 1 from sys.tables where name = 'BSParteTrabajoItem') begin delete from BSParteTrabajoItem where TransaccionID in ( select TransaccionID from BSTransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha) end IF exists (select 1 from sys.tables where name = 'USR_DeclaracionJuradaOpExpo') begin delete from USR_DeclaracionJuradaOpExpo where TransaccionIDOpExpo in ( select TransaccionID from BSTransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha) end IF exists (select 1 from sys.tables where name = 'USRItemGastoExportacion') begin delete from USRItemGastoExportacion where TransaccionID in ( select TransaccionID from BSTransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha) end IF exists (select 1 from sys.tables where name = 'BSPermisoEmbarqueItemOperacion') begin delete from BSPermisoEmbarqueItemOperacion where TransaccionID in ( select TransaccionID from BSTransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha) if exists(select 1 from sys.columns where object_id = object_id('BSPermisoEmbarque') and name = 'USR_TransaccionIDOperacionExpo') begin set @sql = 'delete from BSPermisoEmbarqueItemOperacion where TransaccionID in (select TransaccionID from BSPermisoEmbarque where USR_TransaccionIDOperacionExpo in (select TransaccionID from BSTransaccion where Fecha < '''+convert(varchar,@Fecha)+'''))' exec @sql end end IF exists (select 1 from sys.tables where name = 'BSPermisoEmbarqueItemDocumentoAsociado') begin delete from BSPermisoEmbarqueItemDocumentoAsociado where TransaccionID in ( select TransaccionID from BSTransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha) if exists(select 1 from sys.columns where object_id = object_id('BSPermisoEmbarque') and name = 'USR_TransaccionIDOperacionExpo') begin set @sql = 'delete from BSPermisoEmbarqueItemDocumentoAsociado where TransaccionID in (select TransaccionID from BSPermisoEmbarque where USR_TransaccionIDOperacionExpo in (select TransaccionID from BSTransaccion where Fecha < '''+convert(varchar,@Fecha)+'''))' exec @sql end end IF exists (select 1 from sys.tables where name = 'BSPermisoEmbarque') begin if exists(select 1 from sys.columns where object_id = object_id('BSPermisoEmbarque') and name = 'USR_TransaccionIDOperacionExpo') begin set @sql = 'delete from BSPermisoEmbarque where USR_TransaccionIDOperacionExpo in ( select TransaccionID from BSTransaccion where Fecha < '''+convert(varchar,@Fecha)+'''))' exec @sql end delete from BSPermisoEmbarque where TransaccionID in ( select TransaccionID from BSTransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha) end IF exists (select 1 from sys.tables where name = 'USR_CobranzaAnticipoContrato') begin delete from USR_CobranzaAnticipoContrato where TransaccionIDContrato in ( select TransaccionID from BSTransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha) end IF exists (select 1 from sys.tables where name = 'BSPermisoEmbarqueItemDeclaracionJurada') begin delete from BSPermisoEmbarqueItemDeclaracionJurada where TransaccionIDDeclaracionJurada in ( select TransaccionID from BSTransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha) end IF exists (select 1 from sys.tables where name = 'BSPermisoEmbarqueItemSeguimientoBuque') begin delete from BSPermisoEmbarqueItemSeguimientoBuque where TransaccionIDPermiso in ( select TransaccionID from BSTransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha) end IF exists (select 1 from sys.tables where name = 'BSAProgramaAlimentacionGanaderaTurno') begin delete from BSAProgramaAlimentacionGanaderaTurno where TransaccionIDRonda in ( select TransaccionID from BSTransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha) end IF exists (select 1 from sys.tables where name = 'BSARondaReparto') begin delete from BSARondaReparto where TransaccionID in ( select TransaccionID from BSTransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha) end IF exists (select 1 from sys.tables where name = 'USRLaboreoRemito') begin delete from USRLaboreoRemito where TransaccionID in ( select TransaccionID from BSTransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha) end IF exists (select 1 from sys.tables where name = 'USRLaboreoRemito') begin delete from USRLaboreoRemito where TransaccionID in ( select TransaccionID from BSTransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha) end IF exists (select 1 from sys.tables where name = 'BSOperacionItemCancelacion') begin delete from BSOperacionItemCancelacion where OperacionItemIDDestino in (select OperacionItemID from BSOperacionItem where TransaccionID in ( select TransaccionID from BSTransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha)) delete from BSOperacionItemCancelacion where OperacionItemIDOrigen in (select OperacionItemID from BSOperacionItem where TransaccionID in ( select TransaccionID from BSTransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha)) if exists(select 1 from sys.columns where object_id = object_id('BSOperacion') and name = 'USR_SolicitudTaller') begin set @sql = 'delete from BSOperacionItemCancelacion where OperacionItemIDDestino in (select OperacionItemID from BSOperacionItem where TransaccionID in(select TransaccionID from BSOperacion where USR_SolicitudTaller in (select TransaccionID from BSTransaccion where Fecha < '''+convert(varchar,@Fecha)+'''))) delete from BSOperacionItemCancelacion where OperacionItemIDOrigen in (select OperacionItemID from BSOperacionItem where TransaccionID in(select TransaccionID from BSOperacion where USR_SolicitudTaller in (select TransaccionID from BSTransaccion where Fecha < '''+convert(varchar,@Fecha)+''')))' exec @sql end if exists(select 1 from sys.columns where object_id = object_id('BSOperacionItemCancelacion') and name = 'USR_SolicitudTaller') begin set @sql = 'delete from BSOperacionItemCancelacion where OperacionItemIDDestino in (select OperacionItemID from BSOperacionItem where TransaccionID in(select TransaccionID from BSOperacion where USR_TransaccionIDLiqEntrega in (select TransaccionID from BSTransaccion where Fecha <'''+convert(varchar,@Fecha)+'''))) delete from BSOperacionItemCancelacion where OperacionItemIDOrigen in (select OperacionItemID from BSOperacionItem where TransaccionID in(select TransaccionID from BSOperacion where USR_TransaccionIDLiqEntrega in (select TransaccionID from BSTransaccion where Fecha <'''+convert(varchar,@Fecha)+''')))' exec @sql end delete from BSOperacionItemCancelacion where OperacionItemIDDestino in (select OperacionItemID from BSOperacionItem where TransaccionID in(select TransaccionID from BSOperacion where TransaccionIDContratoGranos in (select TransaccionID from BSTransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha))) delete from BSOperacionItemCancelacion where OperacionItemIDOrigen in (select OperacionItemID from BSOperacionItem where TransaccionID in(select TransaccionID from BSOperacion where TransaccionIDContratoGranos in (select TransaccionID from BSTransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha))) end IF exists (select 1 from sys.tables where name = 'BSOperacionItem') begin delete from BSOperacionItem where TransaccionID in (select TransaccionID from BSTransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha) if exists(select 1 from sys.columns where object_id = object_id('BSOperacionItem') and name = 'USR_SolicitudTaller') begin set @sql = 'delete from BSOperacionItem where TransaccionID in (select TransaccionID from BSOperacion where USR_SolicitudTaller in (select TransaccionID from BSTransaccion where Fecha < '''+convert(varchar,@Fecha)+'''))' exec @sql end if exists(select 1 from sys.columns where object_id = object_id('BSOperacionItem') and name = 'USR_TransaccionIDLiqEntrega') begin set @sql = 'delete from BSOperacionItem where TransaccionID in(select TransaccionID from BSOperacion where USR_TransaccionIDLiqEntrega in (select TransaccionID from BSTransaccion where Fecha < '''+convert(varchar,@Fecha)+'''))' exec @sql end delete from BSOperacionItem where TransaccionID in(select TransaccionID from BSOperacion where TransaccionIDContratoGranos in (select TransaccionID from BSTransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha)) end IF exists (select 1 from sys.tables where name = 'BSOperacion') begin delete from BSOperacion where TransaccionID in (select TransaccionID from BSTransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha) if exists(select 1 from sys.columns where object_id = object_id('BSOperacion') and name = 'USR_SolicitudTaller') begin set @sql = 'delete from BSOperacion where USR_SolicitudTaller in (select TransaccionID from BSTransaccion where Fecha < '''+convert(varchar,@Fecha)+''')' exec @sql end if exists(select 1 from sys.columns where object_id = object_id('BSOperacion') and name = 'USR_TransaccionIDLiqEntrega') begin set @sql = 'delete from BSOperacion where USR_TransaccionIDLiqEntrega in (select TransaccionID from BSTransaccion where Fecha <'''+convert(varchar,@Fecha)+''')' exec @sql end delete from BSOperacion where TransaccionIDContratoGranos in (select TransaccionID from BSTransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha) end IF exists (select 1 from sys.tables where name = 'USR_DeclaracionJuradaOpExpo') begin delete from USR_DeclaracionJuradaOpExpo where TransaccionIDDeclaracionJurada in (select TransaccionID from BSTransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha) end IF exists (select 1 from sys.tables where name = 'USR_CobranzaAnticipoContrato') begin delete from USR_CobranzaAnticipoContrato where TransaccionIDCobranza in (select TransaccionID from BSTransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha) end IF exists (select 1 from sys.tables where name = 'BSATrasladoGranosDepositoOrigen') begin delete from BSATrasladoGranosDepositoOrigen where TransaccionID in (select TransaccionID from BSTransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha) end IF exists (select 1 from sys.tables where name = 'USRMedicionVariable') begin delete from USRMedicionVariable where MedicionID in (select MedicionID from USRMedicion where USR_RemitoIDOrigen in (select TransaccionID from BSTransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha)) end IF exists (select 1 from sys.tables where name = 'USRMedicion') begin delete from USRMedicion where USR_RemitoIDOrigen in (select TransaccionID from BSTransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha) end IF exists (select 1 from sys.tables where name = 'RHMovimientoVacaciones') begin delete from RHMovimientoVacaciones where TransaccionID in (select TransaccionID from BSTransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha) end IF exists (select 1 from sys.tables where name = 'RHConsumoVacacionesItem') begin delete from RHConsumoVacacionesItem where ConsumoVacacionesID in (select ConsumoVacacionesID from RHConsumoVacaciones where TransaccionID in (select TransaccionID from BSTransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha)) end IF exists (select 1 from sys.tables where name = 'RHConsumoVacaciones') begin delete from RHConsumoVacaciones where TransaccionID in (select TransaccionID from BSTransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha) end IF exists (select 1 from sys.tables where name = 'BSLegajoImportacionDocumentoAsociado') begin delete from BSLegajoImportacionDocumentoAsociado where TransaccionID in (select TransaccionID from BSTransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha) end IF exists (select 1 from sys.tables where name = 'BSLegajoImportacion') begin delete from BSLegajoImportacion where TransaccionID in (select TransaccionID from BSTransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha) end IF exists (select 1 from sys.tables where name = 'SJEntregaMateriales') begin delete from SJEntregaMateriales where TransaccionID in (select TransaccionID from BSTransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha) end IF exists (select 1 from sys.tables where name = 'SJEntregaMaterialesLegajo') begin delete from SJEntregaMaterialesLegajo where TransaccionID in (select TransaccionID from BSTransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha) end IF exists (select 1 from sys.tables where name = 'BSMovimientoStock') begin delete from BSMovimientoStock where TransaccionID in (select TransaccionID from BSTransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha) end delete from BSTransaccion where Fecha < @Fecha
Reemplazar aaaa/mm/dd por la fecha hasta la que se quiere eliminar las transacciones. Por ejemplo ‘2021/12/01’ eliminará todas las transacciones anteriores al 01 de diciembre de 2021.
- Ejecutar el script
- Realizar un backup de la base de datos de prueba creada y enviar el archivo generado mediante el FTP de FInnegans, utilizando las credenciales que le han sido entregadas por Finnegans.